Hello friends! I am on my way to Ghana! I’m sitting in the airport a few hours early because my wonderful boyfriend insisted that he take me to the airport on his lunch break instead of having me drive myself :) I’m so excited for the upcoming adventure, and would appreciate you keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I hope to be a blessing to the Ghanaian people, the others on my team, and International Needs Network. Please pray for inspiration and creativity as I attempt to document the wonderful work that International Needs is doing in Ghana. Pray that God would be my center, and that nothing on this trip would be about me, but instead about God and His love. I’ll be back on February 23rd, so check back soon for some colorful photographs of a beautiful place. Like I said earlier, I will be hopefully selling some of the photographs that I take there in order to raise money for the trip and for International Needs when I return. Thanks so much for your support!