International Photographer * Puerto Rico
Humacao and Old San Jose
I recently traveled to Puerto Rico for the first time. Let me just tell you the story of how I got there :) My husband, Drew, works at the South Carolina Aquarium. There is a conference every year for people who work in aquariums, zoos, national parks, etc. This year, he applied for a scholarship to the conference that was being held in Puerto Rico. He was asked to write a paper using interpretation. Instead, he decided to write a song. To Taylor Swift’s Blank Space :) I wish I could share it here, but I think he might be upset. Needless to say, being the talented singer he is, he won a spot at the conference :) And of course that meant that I needed to tag along!
While I was there, I was able to meet up with Miguel and Kennia for an anniversary photo session. The lovely Cristal Garamendi did Kennia’s hair and makeup. We walked around the resort at Humacao for a bit, and then a gentleman in a golf car sped past, slammed on his brakes, and reversed back to us. He said that his company had just bought the Yacht Club down the road, and would we like to come take some photos there? Yes please :)
On our last two days in Puerto Rico, Drew and I drove from Humacao to Old San Juan. Everyone Drew had talked to at the conference said that we MUST go to Old San Juan on Sunday. Well, for any future travelers, let me tell you, you must NOT go to Old San Juan on Sunday :) We sat in traffic for 3 hours probably covering a 3 mile distance. It was a little bit infuriating. All of the activities that were going on in the streets did look fun, so I would recommend going on Saturday night, parking your car, and not moving it until Monday morning :) Luckily, we were able to spend a much less hectic and crowded Monday walking through the beautiful forts built right beyond the water. We ate delicious Puerto Rican food, walked in an out of the shops, and of course, snapped a few photos along the way.

Special thanks to:
Cristal Garamendi : Hair and Makeup
The Palmas del Mar Yacht Club: Venue